I’ve always wanted a dog (actually… my family had one ~30 years ago, but since I wasn’t directly involved with him, I never felt him as my own). Life (and sometimes laziness) had not allowed me to own one in the past (living abroad, moving back to Italy but living in a small apartment etc…) so when I finally had the chance, I got him!
His name is Fulvio and he’s a Basset Hound breed (yes, the same breed as Lieutenant Columbo one 😅)
Since I got him, my life has definitely changed. Mostly for good things (like doing a 45-50 minutes walk every morning which is helping me a lot to be more healthy!) but there are definitely things I still need to get used to 🥲
I’m lucky to have 3 weeks off for this Christmas holidays and this means plenty of time to play with him and to get to know each other.
I don’t have much else to say, so I will leave you with another picture of him.
Greeting from me and Fulvio! 👋 🐶