CuteSoma - worldwide downloads statistic for Nokia N9

CuteSoma ( client for Nokia N9) has been available for 4 months now and it’s the right time to publish some interesting statistics about downloads. First of all I didn’t expect so much interest and I wasn’t sure to have so many downloads, due to the fact that Nokia never advertised this device properly. But luckly lot of people don’t care about advertising and buy a product anyway if they know it’s one of the best available on the smartphone market.

I’m really happy to notice that the number of downloads is growing each month, this motivates me to continue with development (well… when my N950 comes back from Nokia, since I had to send it because it was broken).

I want to thank all the 3658 people that downloaded CuteSoma until now and all the people that are sending me their feedback, ideas and patches (yes Cornelius Hald, I’m talking about you :D ) you’re giving me a big opportunity to learn C++/Qt/QML.

cutesoma downloads

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